

How do I export saved passwords from Opera?

With the MultiPassword password manager, you can import all the logins and passwords saved in your Opera browser from CSV files. To do that, you'll first need to export (save as a CSV file) your passwords from the browser.

  1. Click the main menu icon Menu button in Opera in the top right corner of Opera. Scroll down and select Go to browser settings.
  2. Scroll down the settings page to the Autofill section, then Passwords.
  3. Click the icon next to "Saved Passwords", then click Export passwords.
  4. A warning message will appear notifying you that any computer user will be able to access exported passwords. Click the Export passwords button.
  5. In the "Save file" dialog window, select the folder on the hard drive where the file Opera Passwords.csv will be saved and click Save. You've now exported the file.

Here are the steps for importing passwords from Opera to MultiPassword:

  1. On the page to import passwords from Opera, click Select File, and select the Opera Passwords.csv file you just saved.
  2. Click Import to import passwords from Opera.
  3. Once you finish the import process, delete Opera Passwords.csv from your computer to prevent anyone from getting access to the information the file contains.

If you don't already have a MultiPassword account, we recommend you create one. Store your passwords securely and reliably!